Sunday, December 5, 2010

Adrian Gonzalez to Boston Red Sox

JAAAACCCCKKKKPPPPOOOOTTTT! What’s up, y’all? REALLY good news for Red Sox fans because the higher-ups in management (well, GM Theo Epstein) are in agreement to trading three highly touted prospects and a player to be named to the San Diego Padres for All-Star first basemen Adrian Gonzalez. You have no idea how giddy I got when I saw that he was coming to Boston. SO. CHEESY. IT HURTS.

So, this brings me to…

10 Thoughts

1)    As of now, Gonzalez has already passed the first step, which was the physical. The next thing the Red Sox organization needs to do is come up with some sort of contract extension. Locking this guy up for the future will be without a doubt beneficial for the team in the long run.

2)   If I had to predict the lineup AS OF NOW, it would be:

Jacoby Ellsbury (LF)
Dustin Pedroia (2B)
Adrian Gonzalez (1B)
Kevin Youkilis (3B)
David Ortiz (DH)
J.D. Drew (RF)
Mike Cameron (CF)
Marco Scutaro (SS)
Jarrod Saltalamacchia (C)

3)   Where’s Adrian Beltre you ask? The Red Sox are probably more than likely done with trying to resign him now that Adrian Gonzalez is coming to town. There’s no room for him in the infield. He did exactly what the Red Sox had hoped for. 154 games at the hot corner while finishing the 2010 year with a .321 average/28 HR/102 RBI after a horrid 2009 in Seattle that saw him belt only 8 HRs and 44 RBIs. It helped that he was hitting in a hitter-friendly Fenway Park as oppose to that spacious outfield known as Safeco Field.

Gone will be his beastly one-knee'd HOMERUNS


4)   Which brings me to why Adrian Gonzalez is the perfect fit in hitting at Fenway. In San Diego’s PETCO Park, Gonzalez was able to hit roughly 30-38 HRs and knocking in around 100-110 RBIs. Do you know inflated his numbers will be when he starts launching balls out of Fenway? With the addition of work being done to the right field wall, Gonzalez will have no problem hitting 40+ HRs and knocking 120+ RBIs. He’s also good at hitting to the opposite field so he won’t have problems bouncing balls off the Green Monster.

5)   The Red Sox are still interested in getting Carl Crawford or Jayson Werth. If I had my choice, I would go with Carl Crawford. If I’m right and the “player to be named” going along with the three prospects to San Diego is Jacoby Ellsbury, then Crawford would be the choice. Crawford possesses the speed Ellsbury has in addition to being a base stealing threat with some thump to his bat. This is only if Crawford doesn’t sign elsewhere.

6)   I’m not as bummed seeing Victor Martinez go now that they’re getting Adrian Gonzalez. The lineup would’ve looked REALLY good if the Red Sox were able to resign Martinez. That would be a scary lineup to pitch against.

7)    Great to read about Jason Varitek coming back. My doubts of him returning were not very good before Victor Martinez decided to head to Detroit. But, now that he’s back, the Red Sox will see a familiar face behind the backstop. That’s why people love Varitek; the guy is loyal and takes the hometown discount. You know he doesn’t do it for the money because he loves playing here. It’s the only place he knows.

He walks around with a “C” on his chest for a reason


8)    Hopefully 2011 will be a bounce back year for both Josh Beckett and John Lackey. Can’t afford for them to pitch below average/mediocre again. They didn’t pay them the big bucks to perform “just ok.” Also, I’m hoping Jon Lester and Clay Buchholz remain consistent and dominate like they did in 2010. HOPING. Feeling indifferent about Daisuke Matsuzaka and Tim Wakefield.

9)   I keep getting reminded but I always forget that Jeremy Hermida was on the team. That’s how much I thought of him. DUD.

10)  I know injuries are part of the game, but PLEASE no freak injuries to key players AGAIN. PLEASE!!!

That is all.

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