Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LeBron James returns to Cleveland

Hey, y’all. I am back from my “few days” hiatus. Yeah, right. I just wait for the right moment to post again. I’m sure if you have been following basketball lately, the big storyline going on is the return of LBJ to Cleveland on Thursday as the Miami Heat are coming to town. Since everyone and their moms are speculating how it’s going to turn out, I figured I might as well, too.

  Miami Heat = NWO (lebroN, Wade, bOsh)


10 Thoughts

1)   The most obvious speculation is how the fans in Cleveland are going to treat LeBron’s return. Cheer? Boo? Probably 99% of the crowd is going to BOO the snot out of him. That 1% of the CHEER is going to be his family/friends. Yes, I believe he is bringing his people to witness it.

But I digress

2)   I wouldn’t be surprised if this game generated the highest rating of the regular season. Yes, even beating out any time the Heat plays the Celtics/Lakers/Magic. We already know the entire state of Ohio is going to watch it. Cleveland, especially, since they have absolutely NOTHING to cheer for since forever. That. Must. Suck.

3)   Zydrunas “Big Z” Ilgauskas’s return will be overshadowed, for obvious reasons. The Clevelanders need to at least acknowledge him and give a standing “O” when he’s introduced. It’s called RESPECT to the player who’s been there from the beginning up until now.

4)   Do you think LeBron is going to stick with his pregame ritual? You know, the whole rosin powder and flinging it above his head? How much do you want to bet that he DOESN’T do it? I’m sure he’s contemplating on whether to do it or not. The fans already hate the man; doing this is only going to rile the crowd up even more.

5)   Let’s say we’re fast-forwarding into the future and the Cavaliers end up beating the Heat. Do you know how much of a psychological blow that would be to the Miami Heat? Not only would LeBron’s homecoming be stepped on, but also the team’s overall confidence and moral will need a major overhaul. Think they’ll try to forget about the game IF they lose?


6)   Teams are out to get them. LeBron knows it. D-Wade knows it. Bosh knows it. The whole Heat team should know it. They’re the villains of the NBA. The only thing they don’t know is how to play together.

7)   The Miami Heat is 10-8 as of today. If they’re playing at the pace they are now, and let’s say they happen to go under .500 in the next couple of games, do you think the organization is going to do something about it? Do you think they might hit the panic button and try to speculate other options? Fire coach Erik Spoelstra? Figure out what to do with Chris Bosh? Have D-Wade shoot less? Or maybe have LeBron GROW UP?

Never gets old


8)   Miami Heat’s “Big Three” probably didn’t expect this bad of a start. Give them some slack, though. LeBron is 25. Wade is 28. Bosh is 26. These guys are just hitting their primes. Sure, they weren’t able to replicate what Boston’s “Big Three” were able to do in their first year together. The difference? Boston’s trio is nearing the ends of their careers. They understand sacrifice. They understand the “no nonsense” approach. They understand what it takes to win; they don’t care who takes the last shot. Miami’s trio isn’t at that stage in their careers. They need to find the team chemistry and consistency that they lack. Maybe then will they win the “multiple championships” that they predicted.

9)   Brace yourself; this is going to be one fun ride. LeBron needs a wake up call because if he’s not going to give himself one, then OTHERS will.

10)  I’m hoping the Cleveland Cavaliers win. That’s the only time I’m ever going to pull for another team to win. I just want to see how LeBron handles it IF the Heat loses.

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